National Security Assets
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) - MO

CISA Region 7 addresses hazards within voluntary and regulatory mission sets to improve capability and capacity to detect, prevent, respond and mitigate disruptions to physical, cyber and communications infrastructure. Regional personnel safeguard soft targets, crowded places, conduct and integrate infrastructure assessments, influence decision-making in phases of emergency management.
Department of Energy’s Kansas City
National Security Campus (KCNSC) - MO

The Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC) has more than 5,600 employees across Kansas City, Missouri, Overland Park, Kansas and Albuquerque, New Mexico. KCNSC is one of eight sites that comprise the National Nuclear Security Administration’s National Security Enterprise (NSE) operated under the Department of Energy (DOE). The primary mission at KCNSC is the manufacture non-nuclear components for the nation’s strategic deterrent. The site develops and supports advanced solutions for complex national security issues, from prototype simulations, to production, testing and enduring support, in addition to supporting other government agencies across a broad spectrum of government needs. KCNSC operates the Supply Chain Management Center for NNSA, serving the NSE and other elements of the DOE by providing negotiated purchasing agreements enabling access to cost saving at scale for products and services. The KCNSC is managed and operated by Honeywell FM&T, LLC.
Defense Information Systems Agency – IL

This DISA facility at Scott Air Force Base houses the Operations Command Facility (DISA Global Ops) which consolidates the seven functioning divisions of DISA Continental United States (CONUS) into a facility that enhances its mission to provision, engineer and operate enterprise infrastructure to joint warfighters and national leaders.
Defense Information Systems Agency – NE

The mission of the DISA field office is to be the combat support agency’s forward representative to the Combatant Commander. Provides direct support for net-centric solutions across the Global Information Grid in United States Strategic Command’s (USSTRATCOM) operational mission areas of responsibility.
Kansas Intelligence Fusion Center (KIFC) – KS

KIFC is a joint endeavor via the Kansas Attorney General and Adjutant General’s Offices providing intelligence analysis critical for homeland security, relevant threat warning to protect life, liberty and property focused on Terrorism and Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs), Biological Threats/Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs); and Critical Infrastructure/Key Resources (CIKR)/Cybersecurity.
Lake City Army Ammunition Plant (LCAAP) – MO

LCAAP conducts contract oversight and provides quality small caliber munitions to the Warfighter and operates the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) test center. LCAAP is housed on 3,935 acres with 375 buildings, 80 magazines, 25 warehouses, 14 igloos and storage capacity of 652,837 square feet. The plant is managed by Olin Winchester, a division of the Olin Corporation that is based in St. Louis County, Missouri.
Marine Corps Enterprise
Information Technology Services (MCEITS) – MO

Utilizing the latest IT and networking technologies, MCEITS delivers IT infrastructure adapting to evolving software, hardware, data, services, and management requirements by providing system and application network-centric interoperability, information access. MCEITS is the foundation of the Marine Corps cloud computing strategy which provides seamless and secure communications from the supporting establishment to forward deployed Marine Corps forces.
National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) – KS

NBAF will be a state-of-the-art biocontainment laboratory for the study of diseases that threaten both America’s animal agricultural industry and public health. DHS S&T is building the facility to standards that fulfill the mission needs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) which will own, manage and operate the NBAF once construction and commissioning activities are complete. The NBAF will strengthen our nation’s ability to conduct research, develop vaccines, diagnose emerging diseases, and train veterinarians.
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) – MO

The NGA’s West Campus, located in St. Louis is a unique combination of intelligence agency and combat support agency. It is the world leader in timely, relevant, accurate and actionable GEOINT. NGA enables the U.S. intelligence community and the Department of Defense (DOD) to fulfill the president’s national security priorities to protect the nation. NGA also anticipates its partners’ future needs and advances the GEOINT discipline to meet them.
U.S. Army’s Combined Arms Center (CAC) - KS

CAC mission is divided between preparing the Army for the Global War on Terrorism and transforming it to meet future threats. CAC develops and integrates Army leader development, doctrine, education, lessons learned, training, and proponent responsibilities to support mission command and prepare the Army to conduct unified land operations in a joint, inter-agency, inter-governmental, multinational environment.

USSTRATCOM deters strategic attack and employs forces, as directed, to guarantee the security of our nation and our allies. STRATCOM mission areas include Strategic Deterrence, Nuclear Operations, Cyberspace Operations, Integrated Missile Defense, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance, Information Operations, and Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction to meet both deterrent and decisive national security objectives.

USTRANSCOM is the transportation provider for the DoD. TRANSCOM sustains the force, operates the Joint Deployment and Distribution Enterprise, and set the globe for logistics. TRANSCOM establishes an equilibrium between the capability and capacity through component commands :Military Surface Deployment and Distribution, Military Sealift, and Air Mobility, and the Joint Enabling Capabilities Command.
Additional Assets
Boeing in St. Louis works closely with the U.S. Department of Defense where they design and build autonomous vehicles, develop space and missile systems, and build the F/A-18 and F-15 fighters. Boeing also works with the MQ-25 unmanned aircraft system and the T-7A Red Hawk, the new advanced pilot training system for the U.S. Air Force.
The Bombardier facility in Wichita serves as the company’s primary flight test center. The facility also offers enhancement work on existing Learjet aircraft.
DCAA provides audit and financial advisory services to the Department of Defense (DOD) and other federal entities responsible for acquisition and contract administration. DCAA’s role in the financial oversight of government contracts is critical to ensure DOD gets the best value for every dollar spent on defense contracting. DCAA operates under the authority, direction, and control of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer. Its work benefits our men and women in uniform and the American taxpayer. The Agency’s primary function is to conduct contract audits and related financial advisory services. Contract audits are independent, professional reviews of financial representations made by defense contractors, and DCAA helps determine whether contract costs are allowable, allocable, and reasonable.
The DCMA provides contract administration services for the Department of Defense, other federal organizations and international partners, and is an essential part of the acquisition process from pre-award to sustainment.
The FBI Kansas City Field Office is home to the Heart of America Regional Computer Forensic Laboratory (RCFL), as well as InfraGard, a public-private partnership between the FBI and members of the private sector for the protection of critical infrastructure.
The FBI St. Louis Field Office tackles a wide range of criminal and national security responsibilities, including the St. Louis Joint Terrorism Task Force.
FEMA Region VII office, located in Kansas City oversees federal emergency management for a four-state area and focuses on environmental planning, running the Risk MAP program, and researching hazard mitigation case studies.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City is highly focused on strategies and developing new technologies to combat cybercrime across the entire banking system. The bank serves a seven-state region.
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis maintains one of the world’s most comprehensive online economic databases (FRED), while also supporting the U.S. Treasury’s operations to ensure the smooth financial functioning of the U.S government.
InfraGard is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and members of the private sector for the protection of U.S. Critical Infrastructure. There are four chapters in the National Security Crossroads.
The MIAC is the statewide information clearinghouse and has primary intelligence collection, analysis, distribution and training responsibilities for all areas of the state outside of the area of responsibility of the Kansas City and St. Louis Fusion Centers. The MIAC has the primary responsibility for providing statewide threat information to federal, state, local, tribal, territorial, and private sector entities.
Headquartered in the National Security Crossroads, Spirit AeroSystems is the one of the world’s largest first-tier aerostructures manufacturer. They manufacture aerostructures for commercial airplanes, defense platforms, and business/regional jets.
The St. Louis Fusion Center: Terrorism Early Warning Group is a public safety partnership consisting of law enforcement, fire/emergency medical, public health, and emergency management agencies, and private sector areas that could be a target of terrorism. Additionally, the St. Louis Fusion Center works with government and private organizations to identify and protect the region’s critical infrastructure and key resources through the implementation of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP).
Headquartered in the National Security Crossroads, Textron Aviation is known for their Beechcraft, Cessna and Hawker brands, which account for more than half of all general aviation aircraft flying, but they also provide military trainer and defense aircraft.
USDA is one of the leading providers of cloud-based hosting of enterprise management systems for other federal agencies and non-governmental entities; two of their three data centers are located in Missouri, one of them being in Kansas City. Their NIFA and ERS divisions are also headquartered in Kansas City.
The USEMEPCOM determines whether applicants are qualified for enlistment based on standards set by each of the services. National Security Crossroads is home to two locations, Kansas City and St. Louis.